
What are the meanings of minartes in Mardin?

Each minaret of mosques in Mardin has different meaning

  • 10.07.2024 10:13
What are the meanings of minartes in Mardin?

Mosques are the one of the most important architectural elements of the Islamic art. Minarets have been accepted as the basic part of mosque achitecture over time. Also, minarets have been the symbols of cities. While each part of the mosques has a meaning, the minarets represent  infinity and  abstraction. Minarets have emerged out of needs in Islamic art. They have become tradition and improved themselves over time. The types of minarets have been built by influencing the areas where they have been built before. There are many types of minarets which reminds the details in the bell towers of Christians. Minaret art might vary  because of the artistic tastes of the leaders. When the minarets are examined ,each detail has certain meaning. For exapmle, some of them give information about the date of construction. Especially, examining of the writings on minarets provide knowledge about the period.

Editör: Neslihan Özkan

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